Lisa Perius Endowment

The Endowment was established in 2021 to honor Lisa’s 25 years as Executive Director of the IVMA.

This Endowment is established to honor the great impact that Lisa Perius, CAE, has had on members of the Indiana Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA) and their veterinary hospitals, and to highlight her passion for leadership and wellbeing training.

Unless otherwise directed by donors, the income generated by gifts or bequests to the Fund shall be used for: 

  • IVMA Lisa Perius LEAD program, IVMA Programs or Projects
  • “Power” Programming
  • Grants for individual IVMA members
  • AVMA and/or similar organizations’conferences
  • Leadership Development Programs
  • Wellbeing Summit
  • Business & Economic Forums
  • Grants for hospitals implementing staff development
  • Insights Discovery Profiles
  • Communication Training
  • Wellbeing Initiatives
  • Leadership Development Programming